Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Today is Easter. A day of remembrance of what Christ has done for us. For spending time with family. For making a special dinner and praying to God, thanking Him for His goodness and His love.

But for my family today it will be a little bit different. We woke up this morning to snow, snow that is still falling down. It is just beautiful. It would have been perfect if the mountains were visible, but there is still too much fog and low-lying clouds to see them. Maybe by tomorrow we'll be able to see them, and wonder at the beauty of the snow-capped mountaintops.

My daughter and I planned to wear dresses to church. Neither one of us wears them much anymore, so we were excited to do so today. Even with the snow, we are still planning to look our Sunday best, even if our legs freeze!!

So far, that is how we would always start our Easter. But when we get home from church, there won't be any yummy smells coming from the sweet rolls... and no pies!! Because this Easter we are heading up to Denver to go the last game of the season for the Colorado Avalanche. Megan is one of those fans that absolutely needs to be at the first game and the last game. And her father and I do our best to encourage her hockey addiction!! So we'll be spending the day cheering for our last-place team. Of course no one will be cheering louder than our daughter! And instead of having a sit-down dinner, with candles and flowers, we'll be eating Easter Nachos and ice cream!!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Go Avalanche!!

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