Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sweet Baby Boy

While I loved being with my granddaughters for so long, I did miss a few things here in Colorado. The mountains, the unpredictable weather, my house, my husband and the kiddies....just to name a few.

And boy did I miss this face:

Our sweet little grandson, Chase. He's such a sweetie and such a happy baby! I got to see him on the webcam...and that was nice. But it's not the same as smooching on him in person! For the few weeks I was gone, Chase grew so much. His hair is coming in (but only on top...too cute!). He is still working on his first tooth, which means drooling ALOT. He's still not crawling...he's happy to be sitting on the floor with toys all around (takes after his daddy on that one).

Nana missed you so much, Chasey-Wasey!! I'm happy to be smooching on you again in person!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! So cute!:). Chase says laoudleohdouadl which means "I love you too Nana!"
